

Welcome to the exams!

Here is all you need to know to be ready to take the exams and get your pin and certificate straight away:

Level 1:

In this course you will need to control comfortably the following techniques:

  • Stopping: Chill stop, Plow and T-stop.

  • Pushing: Beginners push, One-foot push, Basic Sprint.

  • Balance: Lemons, Half-lemons, One-foot Balance, Advanced Driver and Archer.

  • Turns: A turn and Advanced turn.

  • Tricks: Miniman and heel-toe.

Note that everything will be required to be control with both side (natural and switch).

Level 2:

Everything in this courses will be backwards focused.

  • Stopping: Plow

  • Pushing: Controlled push technically correct, lemons, half-lemons.

  • Balance: one-foot, archer, 4 different transitions.

  • Turns: A turn, advanced turn.

  • Tricks: heel-toe.

Everything in this course will be required with both sides.

More detailed videos will be added soon.

Any questions, write to zenroll.academy@gmail.com

Access to the exam under the level section in the following link:



Speed Slalom Course